How should I store my cheese?

For refrigerator storage: Wrap hard and soft cheeses in parchment paper, followed by a loose covering of aluminum foil.

For freezing for 2-3 months: Wrap hard and soft cheeses tightly in plastic wrap, then place in a zipper-lock bag. Cheeses may also be vacuum sealed. Defrost overnight in the refrigerator or at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

Where Are You Located?

Just outside of Paw Paw, WV, a town on the Potomac River in the eastern Panhandle of West Virginia Near Berkeley Springs 32 acre farm, verdant rolling hills – Approx. 1h 50m from DC.

What kind of Milk do you use?

Jersey Cows' Milk. Not Goat. Jersey milk is very high in butterfat and makes great cheese, cream, and butter.

What is a Raw Milk cheese?

Unpasteurized, unhomogenized, milk taken from the first morning milking and turned into cheese that same day – this is how cheese is made in much of Europe and has been for the roughly 10,000 year history of cheese making. Selling the raw milk itself is not legal in most of the US.

I hear Raw Milk is dangerous, will it kill me?

No. FDA requires a 60 minimum aging period on raw milk cheeses. During this time the cheese cultures added to the milk crowd out any potentially harmful bacterial growth. The process has been coined “self-pasteurization”.

I'm pregnant, should I eat raw milk cheeses?

Doctors in the US recommend against eating raw milk cheeses in the early stages of pregnancy. Doctors in much of Europe do not. Consult pediatrician. If in doubt, refrain.

What is the “Animal Welfare Approved” designation?

Cows have 24h access to Pasture – no growth hormone – no pesticides used on farm – no antibiotics for milk producers – Family owned farm – no cloned, or genetically modified animals.

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